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Spokane Falls Trout Unlimited Leadership Team

And every time you all go out and take a kid fishing or take a veteran fishing or otherwise engage people in stream cleanups, you are helping to redeem our connection to one another.

Chris WoodPresident & CEO, Trout Unlimited

The next step in the progression of loving something is to preserve it and pass on that passion to others. Making fishing even better than it is now is what we’re all about.

Bill AbrahamseSFTU Chapter President '16

“We live in a world today where our relationship with nature is broken. We live in a world where our relationships with one another are often strained and frayed. We live in a world where our communities are increasingly defining themselves by their differences, as opposed to what unites them.

Chris WoodPresident & CEO, Trout Unlimited

I was looking for a way to give back, looking at different organizations to connect with and the Trout Unlimited mission statement really struck home with me. It’s about the future.

Bill AbrahamseSFTU Chapter President '16

Every time you all go out and plant some willows or plant some trees or otherwise take steps to care for and recover the lands and waters that sustain all of us, you are redeeming our relationship with God’s creation.

Chris WoodPresident & CEO, Trout Unlimited

Every time you reach across the aisle to work with somebody from a different political party, or work with somebody with a different skin color, or work with somebody from a different socioeconomic background, you are helping to redeem community in an otherwise fractured world.

Chris WoodPresident & CEO, Trout Unlimited


Scott Noble

President, MARCOMM & Events

Lindy Orozco

Vice President, SWOTF & MARCOMM

Tyson Roberts


Diane Ragan-Smith

Secretary, Fundraising & Events Chair

Board of Directors & Committee Chairs

Liz Simpson

Spokane Women on the Fly & DEI

Jule Schultz

Advocacy Chair & Conservation

Steve Seville

Membership, Conservation, & Barrier Assessment

Harvey Morrison

Conservation Chair

Marc Fryt

Veteran and Youth Outreach

Advisory Board

Otto Klein

Immediate Past President

Stewart Maxson

Financial Reviewer & Emeritus Director

Joshua Abel


Heather Hodson

DEI Advisor

Sean Visintainer

Fundraising & Outreach

Chapter Involvement Opportunities

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Alternate/Backup Secretary

We need your help!

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Veteran Services Chair

We Need You!

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